Friday, 01 September 2023 08:26

Taiwan Asia Pacific International Baseball Stadiums and Training Centers adopt EVERGUSH Pumps and Diesel generator sets 2023/AUG Featured


The Asia-Pacific International Baseball Stadium and Training Center is currently the largest baseball center in Taiwan and has a total investment of US$73 million and is adjacent to the National Taiwan Museum of History. The base area is approximately 30.27 hectares. The training center will have a 25,000-seat international standard baseball field, a standard auxiliary field, two standard ballparks that meet WBSC Little League competition specifications, an independent indoor training field, an outdoor pitching practice area and other facilities.

  • Base area:Approximately 30.27 hectares.
  • Location:Annan District, Tainan, Taiwan.
  • Main Baseball Stadium Capacity:25,000 seats.
  • Little League dedicated ballpark Capacity:8000 seats.

We are honored that the Asia-Pacific International Baseball Stadiums and Training Centers located in Annan District, Tainan City, use EVERGUSH pumps and diesel generator sets.

  • The Little League main stadium has been completed this Feb and hosted the 7th U-12 World Cup Baseball Tournament from July 28 to August 6,2023. Congratulations! The young players from the Taiwan team won the silver medal in the fiercely competitive competition.
  • The main stadium of the Little League at the Asia-Pacific International Baseball Center uses EVERGUSH brand fire pumps and diesel engine generator set(400KW).We are honored to contribute to the most modern international-level baseball stadium in Taiwan, providing fire prevention and emergency power equipment.

  • The main baseball stadium, which can accommodate 25,000 people, is under construction and is expected to be completed by the end of this year. It will also be one of the home stadiums of the Tainan UNILIONS, a professional baseball team.
  • The main baseball stadium will use EVERGUSH fire pumps and diesel generator set(800KW). EVERGUSH has already completed this 800KW diesel generator set, and it has undergone the most stringent inspection and testing at the EVERGUSH TAF generator laboratory with the most advanced equipment in Taiwan to ensure quality. After passing the test with SGS, a third-party impartial organization, the unit was submitted to the Taiwan Fire Department for review and approval, and this unit also successfully passed the review and approval by Taiwan government. Then it has been sent to the construction site to prepare for installation and configuration.We are so honored to contribute to the most modern and the largest international-level baseball stadium in Taiwan, providing fire prevention and emergency power equipment.


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